Nursery & Gardening
Nursery: Definition, objectives, scope and building up of infrastructure for nursery. Planning and seasonal activities - Planting - direct seeding and transplants. Nursery Management and Routine Garden Operations. Gardening Definition, objectives and scope - different types of gardening. Landscape and home gardening - parks and its components, plant materials and design . Computer applications in landscaping. Gardening operations: soil laying, manuring, watering. Landscaping Places of Public Importance: Landscaping highways and Educational Institutions) Some Famous gardens of India.
Practice of grafting, budding, cutting and layering, anatomical studies ofrooting of cuttings and grafting union, planning and layout for commercial nursery, sample seed testing, use of bioregulators in propagation, sterilization of equipments and laboratory, media preparation, selection and preparation of explants, meristem culture and micro grafting, planning and layout of experiments on various aspects of propagation. Visit to tissue culture labs and nurseries.