Faculty of Ayurveda
Faculty List
Permission Letter of RAMCH 22-23 
Permission Letter of RAMCH 21-22 
College Council Meeting 2023 
College Council Meeting 2022 
About Ayurveda
"Ayusho Veda Ayurveda"
The Knowledge of Life is called Ayurveda .
The scripture, which benefits human being in all ages, is pleasing and knowledgeable for their evidence, is called Ayurveda. Ayurveda is not just the science of medicine; Ayurveda also teaches the art of living healthy, socially, mentally, spiritually, and naturally. With which it is possible to build a healthy body and an intelligent society.
Rama Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Kanpur
Because of the above benefits of Ayurveda and in memory of Late Dr B.S. Kushwaha, Rama University, decided to set up the Ayurveda Department. This department would help meet the shortfall of modern medicine through a state of the art advanced medical college, and 100 beds, especially in the following Ayurveda departments, should establish a hospital with specialist doctors and Ayurveda medical facilities.
Principal Message
Dear Students and Parents,
Warm greetings to all those who aspire to join our prestigious institution, RAMA Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital. We believe that learning is an ongoing process that continues throughout our lives, and at every stage, we strive to excel. It requires complete dedication and commitment from both teachers and students.
Ayurveda, considered one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, originated in India. The science of Ayurveda provides knowledge that goes beyond the physical body, aiming to achieve harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda focuses on preserving health and preventing diseases by establishing equilibrium and synchronization through nutrition, herbal remedies, meditation, and daily regimens. Our college was established with a clear vision to impart the best medical education and provide high-quality training to our students.
Experienced doctors share their knowledge and experiences with our students, molding them into skilled Ayurvedic physicians. Rama University offers a unique opportunity to pursue a career in the holistic system of Ayurveda. Presently, we offer the graduate course of Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS).
Additionally, we actively organize various medical camps to serve the community. We strive to continuously update and meet your present and future needs. Our main objective is to provide relevant and valuable education to our students. We plan to share pertinent information about the various aspects of our College and Hospital with the public.
We invite you to explore our website and learn more about RAMA Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital. Feel free to contact us for any further information or inquiries. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey towards a fulfilling education in the field of Ayurveda.
Deputy Superintendent of the Hospital - Dr. Anil Kumar Singh
Head of the Departments -
- Kaya Chikitsa - Dr. Sandeep Pratap Singh- MD ( Kayachikitsa.)
- Panchakarma- Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pal M. D.(Panchkarma) C.A.R.D.(Mumbai)
- Shalya - Dr. Nidhi Mishra.-MS (Shalya Samanya)
- Shalakya - Dr.Priyanshu Kumar Singh- MS. (Shalakya)
- Kaumarya Bhrutya - Dr. Aditya Upadhyay-MD (Kaumarya Bhrutya)
- Prasuti Tantra & Stree Rog - Dr. Avanindra Awasthi- MS (Shalya Samanya)
- Swasthavritta & Yoga - Dr. Ragini Tiwari- MD (Swasthavritta & Yoga)
- Rasa shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana - Dr. Priyanka Gupta M.D.(RSBK)
Teaching Faculty List
Hospital Staff Details
Non-teaching Staff
Student Detail 2021 Batch
Student Detail 2022 Batch
Under the hospitals direction - The Ayurveda hospital operating under the college is continuously establishing new dimensions. Due to which experienced specialist physicians treat complex and incurable diseases.
1. Kaya Chikistha - The Kaya Chikista deals with the treatment of general systemic diseases. Kaya means body. It constitutes the substratum for health and diseases. The measures (diet, daily regimen, therapies, medicines etc.) employed to bring about this bodys equilibrium are dealt with in Kaya Chikitsa. Kaya also refers to the "digestive fire". Ayurveda believes that diseases are caused due to imbalance of the digestive fire (Agni). Hence, Kaya Chikista deals with the correction of Agni, which in turn helps in the restoration of health. It finds its parallel in the modern discipline of general medicine.
Kaya Chikista focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and treating various general diseases like diabetes, arthritis, skin disease, and many others. The scripts of Kaya Chikista can be traced in the text Charaka Samhita.
According to Kaya Chikista most of the diseases result from an imbalance in the harmony of tridosas (vata, pitta and kapha) in the body. Kaya Chikista provides several measures to maintain the balance between these dosas. Moreover, it also tells how to maintain harmony between the body, mind and soul. It also discusses the basic methods of treatment by various types of therapies and purification methods.
Ayurveda has discussed six stages of a disease: aggravation, accumulation, overflow, and relocation; build up in a new site and manifestation into a recognizable disease. Kaya Chikista also has various measures to stop any disease in any of the six stages of the disease. One of the most important treatment methods followed by Kaya Chikista is panchakarma, which helps to purify and detox the body while maintaining the harmony of doshas to attain good health, calmness, and happiness in life.
Kaya Chikista uses several herbal and natural therapies to treat various ailments and has no side effects on the patient. It has been successfully implemented to treat several chronic and common diseases such as muscular dystrophy, spinal and cervical problems, Erythroderma, obesity, thyroid disorders, reproductive disorders, ADHD, severe mental disorders and paralysis.
As per ayurvedic scriptures, our body comprises seven types of dhatu or tissues: plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, marrow, and reproductive fluids. Kaya Chikista with the help of several medications and physical and mental therapies helps in the proper maintenance of these factors in our body and thus keeping us healthy.
2. Panchakarma Department - Panchakarma therapy has particular importance in Ayurveda Treatment. There is no medical education like Panchakarma found in other medical practices of the world. Panchakarma also provides emergency Treatment, along with chronic diseases (Purana Vyadhi).
According to Ayurveda Classics, detox is essential before undergoing any other major treatment. Even for healthy people, it is recommended to undergo this treatment to get rid of all the chemical toxins accumulated over the years in the body.
Under Panchakarma – Vamana(Emesis Therapy), Virechan(Purgation Therapy), Basti(Enema Therapy), Nasya( Nasal therapy),Rakta moshan(Blood letting),Jaluka (Leach therapy),
Along with the main Panchakarma – detox procedures, different external therapies are -Bashpa Sweda (Steam treatment),Nadi sweda ,Kati Basti, Janu Basti ,Greeva Basti UroBasti Dhoopanam(Nasalfumigation).Karna Dhoopanam,Netra Tarpanam,Karnapooranam ,Netra prakshalanam ,Karna prakshalanam ,Yoni Prakshalanam etc.
3. Shalya Department - In the surgical department, all the general surgery, especially the treatment of Arsh (Piles), Bhagandar(fistula), Parikartika(Fissure) ,Vrana Managment etc. are done by Kshar sutra and Kshar Karma, Agni karma, Bhagna Chikista(Fracture Management) Rakta moshan blood salvation without causing an incision, which is a fundamental feature of Ayurveda Surgery.
4. Shalakya Department - Shalakya Tantra is an essential branch of Ayurveda and is also described as Urdhwang chikitsa. Urdhwang means the body parts above the clavicle and Chikitsa, signifying treatment serious and complicated disease like - viz. Shiro Roga (Head Diseases), Akshi Roga (Eye Diseases), Karna Roga(Ear Diseases), Nasa Roga(Nose Disease), Kantha Roga (Throat Diseases), Mukha Roga (Oral Diseases) And Ayurveda Danta Chikistha(Tooth Disorder).
Some unique medical methods of Ayurveda are used such as- Anjana Karma, Aschotan Karma,Tarpan Karma, Bidalak, Pindi, Putpaka, and Rakta Mokshan in eye disease using jaluka, Nasya Karma, Karnapurana, Karnadhoopana, Kathyabasti, Shirodhara ,Shirobasti, are mainly used.
5. Bal Roga - In this department, all diseases of a child are treated. They also give Ayurveda immunization programmes known as Swarn Prashan, which is given to children (0 to 16 year) in PushyaNakshatra, to increase childrens immunity. This increases the ability to fight all physical and mental conditions and develop intelligence in children fast.
6. Prasuti Tantra & Stree rog - In Prasuti tantra avam stree roga is a significant branch of Ayurveda deals with the childbirth, Samnya Prasava(Normal Delivery) (Parturition) and Gynecological disorders, to promote Garbhini Parichrya (Ante natal Care ), Sutika Paricharya ( Postnatal Care ),Grabha Sanskar (Mental and Intellectual development of unborn Child)
Explore Ayurveda treatment modalities for various stree and Prasuti (Gyn.and obs.) disorder like Vandhatva (Infertility) ,Anartva (Amenorrhea), Asrigdar(Menorrhoea),Dimba grathi (PCOD/PCOS), Sweta pradar (Leucorrhoea),Grabha Pat(Repeated abortion ),Rajo Nivritti( Post Menopause complication), Stana Grathi (Breast adenoma), Maha Yoni( Vaginal Prolapse) and many more conditions of women are treated with Ayurveda drugs, Surgery and Shodan Chikitsa like Uttar basti and Sthanika chikitsa .
7. Swasthavritta - Swasthavritta is made up of the word, Sva, Ava, Stha and vritta, Sva -refer to- Self, innate, natural or own constituent (Prakriti) Ava refer to -Protect, do good too. Stha here is referred to- Stha stay, reside, remain, dosha normally staying at their state. Vritta indicates this circle, stability, continuity in regular activities, and routines concerned with food and activities (Yoga).
Proper knowledge of Ritucharya( seasonal Regimens), DinCharya (daily regimes), Brahmuhurt Jagrana (Wake up before sunrise),Brahmachar(controlling own desire),Sadvritta (Good codes of conducts),Ahar-Vihara(Diet and lifestyle), and to cure the disease of the patients-by, the knowledge of Din charya, Yoga and Daily Regimens and activities of an individual which maintains the normalcy of the dosha( Vata,Pitta,Kapha) ,Dhatus(Rasa, Rakta etc.), Malas(Excretory Products) etc. in their own state and facilitate the normal physiological activates of these factors are considered under swasthavritta .
8. Pharmacy - In the college pharmacy, the classical medicines of Ayurveda are manufactured under experts supervision to develop the new formulation with the research, and good manufacturing practice.
9. VanaushadhiUdyan - VanaushadhiUdyan (Herbal Garden) has been established on 3 acres of land in which about 250 types of herbs have been planted. Plantation of rare forest plants is also being done.
10. Other Facilities available -
- Proper management of sports has been done on the college premises.
- The entire campus is equipped with Wi-Fi.
- Proper hostel facilities are available for students.
A library equipped with a seating capacity of 100 students, equipped with 3000 books, is available on the premises.
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